Get Married in Tønder (Tonder) in Romantic Surroundings
Relocation serviceAre you considering moving to Tønder Municipality?
Rent, buy or build your dreamhome Travelling to Denmark as a touristRead about the current travel restrictions and what to expect during your stay.
Life in DenmarkComing to Denmark - Living in Denmark - Leaving Denmark
Daycare Kindergarten for childrenIn the municipality of Tønder we have familiy daycare and kindergartens.
Schools and educationWhere are the schools?
Health insurance cardYou must bring your health insurance card with you when you have an appointment with a doctor e.g.
EU Health insurance cardYou must use the blue EU health insurance card when travelling to an EU member state among other.
Job for 2 in the Municipality of Tønder Moving to Denmark - Tønder